6.1 Public Key Encryption
Encrypt the plaintext using RSA-OEAP.
Data Types
- PKEEncKey
- The RSA public key for public-key encryption with RSA.
- PKEDecKey
- The RSA private key, used for decryption.
PKEKeyGen() (PKEEncKey, PKEDecKey, error)
Generate a 256-byte RSA key pair for public-key encryption.
PKEEnc(ek PKEEncKey, plaintext []byte) (ciphertext []byte, err error)
Use the RSA public key to encrypt a message.
- Parameters
- ek (PKEEncKey) - RSA encryption (public) key
plaintext ([]byte) - message to encrypt
- Returns
- ciphertext ([]byte), err (error)
PKEDec(dk PKEDecKey, ciphertext []byte) (plaintext []byte, err error)
Use the RSA private key to decrypt a ciphertext.
- Parameters
- dk (PKEDecKey) - RSA decryption (private) key
ciphertext ([]byte) - message to decrypt
- Returns
- plaintext ([]byte), err (error)
Warning: PKEEnc does not support very long plaintext. Consider looking into hybrid encryption to communicate large payloads.